Eisler, Hanns. 'Fourteen Ways to Describe Rain'. Theodor, Adorno and Eisler, Hanns. Composing for the Films (New York and London, Continuum, 2007), pp. 108-109.
Rainer, Yvonne. 'Selection of Slides from 'North East Passing','. 'Three Distributions'.Aspen, No.8, The Fluxus Issue. Ed., Dan Graham, designed by George Maciunas (Aspen Communications Inc., New York, 1970-71). Sourced from http://www.ubu.com/aspen/aspen8/threeDistributions.html
Notes and Projects is about making something because you love something else. In light of this, the first chapter of VERSUCH is on forms of notation that use pre-existent things, for example quotes or other objects, to try to articulate, or even just share, that indeterminate quality that can make something so important to us. For all inquiries on Notes and Projects please contact versuchjournal@gmail.com or seehttp://versuchjournal.blogspot.com for further details.