12/05/11 to 12/06/11 at TPSby / LOOP, Barcelona
Opening Thursday 12th May at 19.30

VERSUCH is an exhibition and journal project, it is a work in-itself defined alongside and by the works within it. Notes and Projects_Again is about making something because you love something else. This exhibition will look specifically at a notion of doing things again - as a reading or repetition. The works in themselves deal with this issue of making something through a number of movements and referents. In this sense, the works are transformations between memory and expectation, intention and realisation: performances of another object.
12th May - 18th May_Babette Mangolte / Robert Morris
23rd May - 29th May_Redmond Entwistle
30th May - 5th June_Manon de Boer
6th June - 12th June_David Raymond Conroy
Jesse Ash, Ed Atkins, Andrea Büttner, David Raymond Conroy, Jesse Aron Green, Pablo Lafuente, Liang & Liang, Bevis Martin & Charlie Youle, Charlotte Moth, Francesco Pedraglio, Colin Perry, Heather Phillipson, Paul Pieroni, Hannah Rickards, Alexandre Singh, Luke Skrebowski, Alexis Marguerite Teplin, Jesper List Thomsen
Thursday 19th May_Babette Mangolte / Robert Morris
Friday 20th May_Redmond Entwistle
Saturday 21st May_Manon de Boer
Sunday 22nd May_David Raymond Conroy
Screening from 17.00 to 20.00
The Private Space By
C/ Mare de Deu de Grácia 26 Bajos
Barcelona, Spain
LOOP, Screen from Barcelona 2011
11 -21 May / Fair 19- 21 May
12th May - 18th May_Babette Mangolte / Robert Morris
23rd May - 29th May_Redmond Entwistle
30th May - 5th June_Manon de Boer
6th June - 12th June_David Raymond Conroy
Jesse Ash, Ed Atkins, Andrea Büttner, David Raymond Conroy, Jesse Aron Green, Pablo Lafuente, Liang & Liang, Bevis Martin & Charlie Youle, Charlotte Moth, Francesco Pedraglio, Colin Perry, Heather Phillipson, Paul Pieroni, Hannah Rickards, Alexandre Singh, Luke Skrebowski, Alexis Marguerite Teplin, Jesper List Thomsen
Thursday 19th May_Babette Mangolte / Robert Morris
Friday 20th May_Redmond Entwistle
Saturday 21st May_Manon de Boer
Sunday 22nd May_David Raymond Conroy
Screening from 17.00 to 20.00
The Private Space By
C/ Mare de Deu de Grácia 26 Bajos
Barcelona, Spain
LOOP, Screen from Barcelona 2011
11 -21 May / Fair 19- 21 May